
A wall object made from work remnants (plexiglass cover, wooden board) and the electronics from Walter Giers’ work computer.
The software on the computer is capable of automatically downloading random current images from the internet, heavily distorting them, and then re-uploading them to the internet, where the newly created images are offered for sale, signed by the machine – not by me.
The machine is the (artificial) artist.

The object sold several images to an art collector from Saarbrücken. Since then, the question has arisen of how to design an exhibition with the device as an artist, and how the device can respond to the audience. For this purpose, the Pepper’s Ghost Crystals were created. The exhibition has not yet taken place.

Currently, the machine is broken due to transport conditions. I used this circumstance to exhibit the artificial artist as an artificial artificial artist. The artificial artist produced the art at the exhibition “ALLEZ ALLEZ” (Link) only artificially: The working process of the machine was projected onto the machine – the fans spin and the LEDs blink, but only for effect.

The object was personified by a (always sleeping) face, represented as a pseudohologram in a Pepper’s Ghost crystal (Link). The head could be viewed from six different perspectives in the room. The name of this artificial persona: “Iris” (Link to web version).

Functional diagram:

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