Three works on the theme “Artificial Intelligence”, virtual humanoids and associated misunderstandings, presented in a spatial installation with a desk situation.
Recipients read a brochure about the work results at the desk (Link to the text). Meanwhile, their faces were automatically photographed and projected onto canvases around them. A visual “echo chamber” was created by the surroundings of their own face.
“Forgetting” was not allowed; the faces remained on the canvases until they were overwritten by new faces, leaving one’s own face behind when leaving the scene.
The reactions to the capturing and displaying of one’s own face varied from anger over “surveillance” and non-compliance with data protection regulations to joy over the possibility of taking selfies or the feeling of improving the reading situation by being able to view one’s own face.

Gerkzeuk was also there.
Next to it, a puppet as a parody of the over-interpretation of “artificial intelligence” capabilities.
Two servomotors, built into a black box, move a marionette at unpredictable, temporal intervals. Stickers are affixed to the black box, representing the hype around the topic “AI”: quotes from “The Matrix”, a Terminator and an Elon Musk head, Hal 9000, etc. Some recipients imitated the puppet’s movements and were pleased with the learning effect they experienced, while others were creeped out.
Further scenes