Glitch Art

Colorful, abstract textures created through deliberately induced errors in digital image representation.

In 10/2015, I joined the Facebook group of the Glitch Artist Collective as well as their subgroup Glitch//Request, where photos of people (mostly selfies) are altered by glitch artists. The lively exchange here inspired me to create glitch art myself.
Since then, I have been programming and implementing fragment shaders and controllers in Processing for the artificial generation of image errors (glitches).
I use these to create entirely new abstract images (not for image editing).
Original images serve as data sources. The results of this over-alteration have their own character.

The software unit “Manglr”, a creation of my own with which I generate the images, functions like a compositor for 2D shaders. (Link to workspace).
By drag & drop, I insert an image or video file and then determine which shaders with which parameters should alter this image.
This selection can also be made automatically/randomly. The parameters of the shaders can also change slowly over time. The shaders are then animated.
I observe this autopilot mode or manually edit the controllers until I like a composition. Then I save images.
The resolution is variable. I set the longer side to a maximum of 20,000 pixels, which corresponds to about 1.70m at 300 DPI print sharpness. Depending on the shader, this may take a bit more computing time. Smaller images (up to 20 centimeters) can be generated in real-time (24 frames per second or more). For some of the images, pixel aesthetics are good, allowing for the scaling of low-resolution images to large sizes.
A selection process follows, in which I feel into all saved images once again and separate the wheat from the chaff.


Aesthetic similarities between the vulva and the flower have emerged from nature.
It is a complex mathematical formula that allowed me to describe and fuse the visual similarities of these two subjects.
Image generation with artificial intelligence, such as Stable Diffusion, is known for such fusions.
The contrast between the logic, but also the urgency of my tool, the ambivalence of the possibilities it offers, and the beauty of the subject intrigued me.
Additionally, the mystification of the female genitalia is meant to protect its intimacy and honor it.

The 50 images shown here represent a completed series. They were created between December 2023 and February 2024.


Sollte es alte Bilder geben, die mit der Zeit an Qualität verloren haben, so kann man diese mit modernen Technologien und geringem Aufwand wiederherstellen oder verbessern.
Kratzer, Falten oder Verschmutzungen werden weitgehend manuell korrigiert, fehlende Bildinformationen können mit künstlicher Intelligenz regeneriert werden.
Auch das Erhöhen der Auflösung, das Kolorieren oder das Erweitern des Bildausschnittes ist möglich.
Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich bei Bedarf.

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